This unfortunate pandemic has slowed down our lives. However, it did not stop us from going on our annual trips. This time, while obeying safety precautions and taking extra care, I and our friends went on two tours, to Amaya Lake resort, Dambulla on the 19th of December, and Diyaulpatha resort, Mathugama on the 2nd of January.
Amaya Lake was a splendid resort, full of lush greenery. If you are lucky enough, you will be able to spot our national animal and bird; the Jungle Fowl and the Giant Squirrel, and hares hopping about. The lake, where we found many herons, completed the natural scenic beauty around. Unfortunately, the pool was closed, although there were many other things to do. There was an ample amount of time for us to enjoy, despite the frequent, short rains. We enjoyed riding bicycles around the fields, and some enjoyed playing cricket. Everyone was high on the recently completed LPL cricket tournament as well, so it was really exciting. Moreover, there was a match of carrom, and we all had a hand at playing table tennis, when sometimes we ended up playing “tennis” and we all laughed about it. The rain water was collected in the lake, and it grew, which is when the water would flow over the nearby causeway (sapaththu palama). We all spent the next morning near the lake and feasted our eyes on the attractive sight. We climbed up a treehouse nearby, which was pretty appealing. The showers had not ceased then as well, but we made the best out of our time.
We had an awesome time at Diyaulpatha as well. Amongst the vast tea plantations, we had a great time playing games in the ground, especially cricket, and hanging out. The pool was open as well, so we were in the water most of the time, where we had a cheerful time. We were up late at night as we sang songs and danced, and our friends deserve a huge applause for enriching the night with music on their instruments. We spent our trip outside, enjoying the sunny days a lot. It was nice being with our friends again after a long, isolated time.
The journeys were amazing, and we had a fun-filled, unforgettable time. It was definitely a huge, relaxing change to go on such journeys, after we spent most of the year locked up in our homes. Hopefully, everyone will be able to go on an enjoyable holiday with a free mind once again, soon after this worldwide pandemic ends.
Funday Times-Young Reporter
Name- Lihini Wijesekara
Grade- 11 Science B (15 years)
School- Lyceum International School, Wattala.
Address- No. 166, Raddoluwa, Seeduwa.
Tel. No.-0777590004