9 years and below
Celebrating Independence Day
The British captured our country. We fought for freedom. A lot of people died in the battle like Gongalegoda Banda, Weerapura Appu and Monarawila Keppetipola. In 1948 on February 4th, we got Independence. Every year we celebrate Independence Day on February 4. It is our national ceremony. All Sri Lankans celebrate it. We raise the national flag at our houses. The president comes to the grand ceremony. It is exciting with parachute jumps, navy boat displays, aircraft displays and army drills. School children sing the national anthem. The president speaks to the national about the national heroes. We remember the people who died in the freedom battles. We release white pigeons to the sky. The president forgives some prisoners.
We have to protect our freedom.
Aimee Fernando (Grade 3)
Model Primary School, Tangalle
10 – 12 years
Sri Lanka’s National Flag and symbols
A symbol is something that represents something else. It is usually animals, birds, plants or drawings. Symbols usually represent famous people or events. They are also used to represent countries. These symbols are called national symbols.
Sri Lanka also has national symbols. This includes the national flag, state emblem and national flower. Sri Lanka’s national flag is called the Lion Flag because of the lion holding a sword on a maroon background with a Bo leaf in each corner. Next to it are two strips one green and the other orange.
The state emblem holds a Dharmachakra on the top. Below it are two stalks of rice circling the petal design which is around the lion holding a sword. On either side of the traditional grain vase is the sun and the moon.
Sri Lanka’s national flower is called the Blue Water Lily though it is purple. It grows in streams, tanks, ponds and marshes. It is used in religious occasions. The national bird of Sri Lanka is the Ceylon Jungle Fowl. It is found island-wide. It is connected to Sri Lankan rural life. The national game of Sri Lanka is volleyball. It is a team game played over a net.
Sri Lanka has many national symbols which are respected.
Ifadha Deen (12 years)
Leeds Int. School, Galle
13 – 15 years
The struggle for Independence in Sri Lanka
This is our 71st year of Independence. They say that people didn’t do much for our country’s independence but in fact thousands of people shed their blood and sacrificed themselves to earn freedom for our motherland.
Those had been dark days in Sri Lanka’s history. Sri Lankans had to work under the British for many years. Many people were forced to give their lives because of war. But as Sri Lanka is a blessed land, many people, the true heroes of Sri Lanka fought for our motherland’s freedom. Weera Keppetipola, Weera Puran Appu, Gongalegoda Banda, and Kudapola Thero were some heroes who sacrificed their lives along with many others. Many lands, paddyfields and infrastructure was destroyed.
As time passed however, a myth developed that our freedom would be gained by writing to the queen. D. S. Senanayake, Ponnambalam Arunachalam, F. R. Senanayake are some who helped in finally gaining Independence on February 4, 1948. It was these mighty heroes that brought freedom to Sri Lanka. Their names and heroism must be known for all eternity. We live freely at present, and we must be thankful and honour these mighty heroes.
Lihini Wijesekara (13 years)
Lyceum Int. School, Wattala