10 – 12 years
An interesting teacher
An interesting teacher of mine is Ms. Madusha. She is a person who has chosen teaching as her profession. We can say that teaching opens the gate of knowledge to the students and guides them along.
She is endowed with noble qualities of honesty and truthfulness. She comes to school on time. She is always punctual. First she meets her students in the classroom. As soon as she enters the classroom, she is welcomed by her students warmly. The students say, “Good Morning Miss.” When she sees the smiling faces of the students, her mind is filled with delight. When the class begins, the first task is to mark the attendance register. Next she begins the lesson of the day. The students listen to her attentively. She understands the students well. She has the ability to identify the weaknesses of her students. Then she pays personal attention to those students. She is always ready to solve the problems faced by her students. She is respected by all her students. She is the head of the classroom.
School closes at 1.45 p.m., but her responsibilities are not over with the end of the day’s work in the class. The whole class salutes the teacher saying, “Goodbye Miss.” She too wishes them goodbye and goes home.
Vanya Liyanage (7 years)
Hillwood College, Kandy
13 – 15 years
Animal Rights
Everyone is aware that the lives of other beings are not ours to meddle with. However, the ignorance of some people has resulted in the worst nightmares that animal could have. Animal rights have not been respected by any means for many years.
Recently, some elephants were killed and the news spread like wildfire. This inhuman activity has caused the loss of lives of not only seven gentle beasts, but also the lives of innocent souls who were yet to even see the world. Their majestic lives sadly ended due to the sinful act of some people. To be truthful, they couldn’t even be called humans; their acts are so unacceptable. What could be a greater sin than losing the lives of innocent creatures that live peacefully on their own? One thing is for sure, the fate of humans who commit such crimes are destines to be suffering and miserable.
A wise person would understand that animals have the equal right to live in this world, just as humans do. Just because humans walk on two feet, live in brick houses and own something called ‘money’, it does not mean that we have the right to ruin the lives of other living beings and be selfish enough to satisfy our own rights. A lion for instance would kill a deer only to either satisfy his own hunger or to feed his pride.
Animals must be given their rights which have to be respected by the most dangerous creatures on Earth; humans.
Lihini Wijesekara (14 years)
Lyceum Int. School, Wattala