9 years and below
Uses of water
Water is used for many purposes such as drinking, preparing food, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, swimming, boating, rafting, boiling, brushing, watering the plants and even washing the pets. No one can live without water. Water is used for growing crops too. Water is also needed to keep the environment clean.
Not only humans but plants, animals, birds and insects too need water. Water is used for building houses too. Dirty water can harm humans. Water can be found in three states; solid, liquid and gas. It does not rain all the time but we need water every day. So we dig wells. We build canals to take water from one place to another.
Sabith Azam (8 years)
Harrow Int. College, Beruwala
10 – 12 years
Why is water important for us?
Water is a natural, limited resource from nature. Water is very precious yet it is a pity that the real value of water is not realized. We often hear doctors warning us to drink at least eight glasses of water per day but we really don’t take it seriously. According to new scientific updates, dehydration can be fatal. Water is important not only for the existence of human life but also for the existence of animals and plants.
Water is essential to us as our body uses water in all its cells, organs and tissues and to help regulate its temperature and maintain other body functions as well. Because our body loses water through breathing, sweating and digestion it is important to rehydrate ourselves by drinking fluids or eating foods that contain water. While performing physical activities our bodies use up a lot of water. So, staying hydrated before, during and after exercises helps to protect your body from any harm and helps you to perform better as well. Proper hydration can reduce fatigue, improve endurance, lower your maximum heart rate and more.
Water makes up more than half of our body weight. Without water all organisms on earth would not survive. Water is necessary not only for drinking but also for our day to day life purposes such as cooking, washing, bathing and so on. Thus we can never imagine a life without water.
Nufla Nufair (12 years)
Thihariya Islamic Int. School
13 – 15 years
World Water Day
Every year on March 22, the people of Earth highlight the importance of water, not only for themselves but also the planet and all forms of life that dwells upon it. World Water day which was first celebrated on March 22, 1993 is used to advocate for the sustainable management of fresh water resources and it is observed by people and organizations worldwide, including all UN member states.
As World Water Day is an international observance day, the intention is to inspire people around the world to learn more about water-related issues and to take action to make a difference. Some examples of these issues are water pollution, scarcity, inadequate supply, lack of sanitation etc. Non-government organizations such UNICEF, WaterAid and WSUP lead many of the activities on this day and the use this day to raise public awareness, get media attention for water issues and inspire people to take action with activities such as releasing films, publications, seminars, lectures and expositions. There are also many initiatives in schools and universities to educate people about the importance of conserving and managing water resources. Schools also have activities such as poster contests, games etc. In the present, people also use social media to bring awareness. The theme for World Water Day 2019 was ‘Leaving No one Behind” – Tackling the people who are overlooked and giving water to everyone.
In conclusion, World Water Day is a great asset to save water but we should mind to save water not only on that day but also every day, for people and for all life on Earth.
It’s inside us, over us, around us
Whether liquid, gas or solid
Drink, wash or generate power
It is quintessential
For not only you and me
For the planet and all its beings…
Pulasthi Keragala (14 years)
Sivali Central College, Ratnapura