9 years and below
My least favourite subject
My least favourite subject is Tamil. I study in the Sinhala medium and am in Grade Four. Tamil is taught two periods a week.
Since all the students speak Sinhala, I find it difficult to remember Tamil words. I get over 75 marks in all the other subjects but I get only 50 to 60 marks for Tamil. At home we speak English and Sinhala so I am unable to practice Tamil.
My mother now gets a Tamil Sir from another school, to give my tuition at home. Now I am improving. Next year, I will be in Grade Five and I will sit the Scholarship exam. There is a part in Tamil. I hope to study well and get good marks at this exam.
If there were Tamil speaking students in my class, I could learn Tamil quickly. Any how I hope to improve in my least favourite subject Tamil in the future.
Eshal Borham (9 years)
Nalanda College, Trincomalee
10 – 12 years
The importance of a balanced diet
A balanced diet is a diet that has all the essential ingredients and minerals that will keep us healthy. In a balanced diet a person should take the appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. We should also drink a lot of water. A balanced diet lessens any chance of falling ill. It is the key to a healthy lifestyle. You cannot merely exercise and expect your body to stay fit. If you take large amounts of carbohydrates and a little of protein, then that will not be called a balanced diet. We must always eat fresh fruits and vegetable.
A balanced diet keeps us healthy and fit. It improves the quality of life and keeps all the illnesses away. It must have the five essential elements; bitter, sour, sweet, pungent and salty. We should not eat in excess. We should always chew our food properly. We should try to avoid eating deep-fried or overcooked food because it loses all the nutrients.
Aaliyah Azam (11 years)
Harrow Int. College, Beruwala
13 – 15 years
Road Safety
Road safety is a safety measure to reduce the risk of road accidents and road-side injury because of the mistakes of people while driving on the road. ‘Road Safety’ is one of the most important aspects in order to avoid road accidents, injury and death.
Road traffic safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured. Typical road users include; pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, vehicle passengers and passengers of public transport vehicles. Road traffic crashes are one of the world’s largest public health and injury prevention problems.
There are many road safety rules. We must know the signals when crossing the road, we must stop and look, we mustn’t run on roads, we must always use the sidewalks, we must cross the road by the zebra crossings and pedestrian crossings, we mustn’t stick hands outside the vehicle and we mustn’t cross roads at bends. These are some of the road safety rules.
Everyone needs to be well aware of the road traffic rules especially children and young people who are significant road traffic risks. There are many road safety tips. Some of them are; we have to make sure our vehicle is checked before going on a long trip, we mustn’t use mobile phones when driving, we must use safety belts, we must take a break and rest if drowsy, we mustn’t drink and drive.
Above all there is a need for us to be concerned about our own safety and conduct while using the road.
Amra Careem (13 years)
Kalutara Muslim B. M. V.