9 years and below
Sri Lanka’s Independence Day
We all like to be as free as the birds in the sky. February 4 is a special day to us as Sri Lankans. We became free from the British rulers on February 4, 1948. This year we celebrated our 73rd Independence.
During online sessions, my class teacher taught us about the importance of our Independence Day. As February 4 is a national holiday, with the help of Appachchi, Nangi and I hoisted the National Flag in front of our house.
We watched the colourful Independence Day programme at the Independence Square on television. Students sand Jayamangala gatha as a blessing to the country. The groups of Armed Forces created an attractive parade on the day. Tree-planting programmes and blood donation camps are also held islandwide to mark the day.
As children, we must remember our national heroes on Independence Day.
Esandi Ranasinghe (7 years)
Musaeus College, Colombo 7
10 – 12 years
Sri Lanka’s National Flag
National Flag’s are conspicuous among all the other symbols which symbolize national identity. They also help to show the uniqueness of the country and its international identity around the globe.
In this manner, my country Sri Lanka has a national flag which describes piousness, discipline, dignity, leadership etc. My country’s national flag is also known as the ‘Lion Flag’ because there is a yellow coloured lion holding a sword. The lion describes bravery, dignity, leadership, fairness and piousness of the Sri Lankan citizens. There are four Bo leaves around the lion in each corner of the flag. They show compassion, equality, kindness etc. The maroon background shows the life blood of the Sri Lankan citizens and on the left side there are two columns coloured in green and orange. They describe the Muslim and Tamil communities. Finally around the national flag there is a yellow colour border which represents peace, wisdom and equanimity.
I am so proud to be born as a Sri Lankan. I love and respect my country very much.
Nisma Nawfar (12 years)
Fathima B. M. V., Puttalam
13 – 15 years
Some national heroes who worked towards the Independence of the country
Sri Lanka is a country filled with many natural resources. For this reason in the past, Sri Lanka was attacked by different nations to get power of our country. Sri Lanka was conquered by the Portuguese, Dutch and British in 1505, 1658 and 1796 respectively. From these nations, the most powerful influence was by the British in 1815. From 1815 to 1948 for over 133 years Sri Lanka was a dependent territory of the British.
It is true that the British did great things to develop Sri Lanka. But that didn’t help Sri Lanka to live in freedom with a sense of motherland. Sri Lankans had to suffer so much from their oppressive taxes. For these reasons, Sri Lanka’s patriots united together and launched several independent battles. National heroes are the people who played a major role in gaining freedom for our country.
Some main battles against the British were in 1818 and 1848. Some national heroes who supported the 1818 battle were Keppetipola Nilame, Pilimathalawe and Madugalle. This battle was not successful. As a result Keppetipola Nilame and Madugalle were sentenced to death by the British court. The 1848 battle was also not successful. National heroes like Gongalegoda Banda and Puran Appu played a major role in this battle. Even though these battles didn’t go well, they were enough to let the British know that Sri Lanka would never remain in silence against them.
Some national heroes of Sri Lanka used their pens in battle. Rev. S. Mahinda and Rev. Thotagamuwe Sri Rahula wrote many books and verses encouraging Sri Lankans. Books like Nidahase Dahana, Lanaka Matha by Rev. S. Mahinda were able to spread courage among Sri Lankans. One of the main objectives of the British was to spread their religion. Rev. Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala and Rev. Migettuwatte Gunanada and Anagarika Dharmapala did great work in protecting Sri Lanka’s religion and culture.
In the latter part of the freedom battle, heroes like D. S. Senanyake, D. B. Jayathilaka, T. B. Jayah, Sir. Ponnambalam Ramanadan worked for the freedom of the country. They acted against various reforms conducted by the British. As a result of the great work by our national heroes, Sri Lanka gained freedom on February 4, 1948. It was a golden day for Sri Lankans. These national heroes will always live in all Sri Lankans hearts. We are forever indebted to them.
Chanithma Joseph (14 years)
Taxila Central College, Horana