9 years and below
A new friend
My new friend is Kalani. She lives in Anuradhapura. She is 10 years old. Everyone says that she looks just like me so I am totally happy. Even though she is older than me, I am a little taller than her. She has a dog called Bobby. We first met when we were going on a trip. I was shy to meet her but a few hours later, we were like chatterboxes! I still don’t know when her birthday is but when we go to Anuradhapura again I will make sure to ask. I didn’t go to her house for a long time. She has an awesome tree house which has a bedroom, a bathroom and a pantry. It’s almost like a real house! I’m so excited because they have invited my family to their house. That means that we can stay in the tree house! I really, really miss her.
Vethmi Senanayake (9 years)
Musaeus College
10 – 12 years
My favourite radio programme
‘Samanala Sirasa’ is my favoruite radio programme telecast on Sirasa FM. It is a very interesting radio programme. When I am going to school by bus, I make it a habit to listen to the ‘Samanala Sirasa’ children’s radio programme with my father.
I actually didn’t like to listen to the radio, but my father said that there was a good radio programme for children, so I listened to it. After that I realized that this programme give me good thought in the early morning. There are also quiz programmes in ‘Samanala Sirasa’. The programme starts at 6 a.m., and ends at 7 a.m. In this single hour we can refresh our minds and get ready for our school studies. I like this radio programme because we can gain knowledge about many things that we don’t know and I like to find out new things.
I love to listen to ‘Samanala Sirasa radio programme and I would like to invite all my friends to listen to it too. Listening to good radio programmes is better than wasting time playing computer games.
Shimal Mendis (12 years)
St. Sebastian’s College, Moratuwa
13 – 15 years
A great invention that I find useful
A lot of things we use today have been invented by famous people in history and by these I mean the television, computers, telephones and electricity.
But what we all forget is the innocent little invention – the wheel.
A wheel is a revolving circle fixed under an object to move it easily. The centre is called the hub, while the rim is its outer edge.
Wheels are widely used in transportation. All vehicles have wheels – even a simple vehicle like a bicycle. The round shape reduces friction, thereby reducing the amount of energy needed for the vehicle to move.
Imagine this; you are moving into a new house, miles away and you have to carry all your furniture and everything else all the way. That would be a tough task! When people speak about the marvels of a vehicle, they talk about the seats, the driving gear and the exterior look to name a few things. But what about the wheels? Isn’t that what is doing all the heavy work moving?
What if the wheel hadn’t been invented? Less than half the machines we use today would not exist because many of them use wheels to function.
The pulley is an example for a simple machine which uses wheels. It consists of a rope passing around a wheel. No wheel, no pulley and more energy wasted on lifting heavy things,
So, what can we do without the wheel?
Ifadha Deen (13 years)
Leeds Int. School, Galle