The Scary Ghost
Once upon a time, four cute animals lived in a house. A bunny named David, a guinea-pig named Juliet, a piglet named Michael and a kitten named Annie.
“Burp!” said Michael as he finished his porridge. “This is the millionth time I am telling you to mind your manners,” shouted Juliet, her eyes almost popping out of her head. “Ok, ok, ca…,” what Michael was saying was interrupted by a scream from outside.
“Hey! You naughty turtles! Why did you steal my crystal mug? Eek! My shell is running away!” “That’s old Mrs. Turtle screaming in her sleep,” said Michael sighing. “Well, I need to go for my weight-training and burrowing classes,” said David, packing his bags. He was the bravest of the four. After David left, Michael burped again and Juliet frowned.
Not far away, Ghost-Bone was listening. (Ghost-Bone’s signal was also a burp). Ghost-Bone crept up quietly to the house. At this time Michael was in the bedroom. Ghost-Bone climbed up the chimney and transformed into an eye-ball. Both the ladies saw him, they screamed and ran into the bedroom. Michael was there, dressed up like a rock star. “Why did you come here?” Michael asked the girls. “We saw an eyeball!” shouted both the girls, trembling. “It must have been an illusion,” said Michael.
Then the girls heard Ghost-Bone saying, “Give me all your precious things!” “Eek!” shrieked both the girls. Michael heard it too and shrieked.
After Ghost-Bone had left, Michael quickly dialed the police number and the police said that they would do their best to catch Ghost-Bone. They said that they had caught him once but he had slipped away into pure air.
By this time, David had come back and they told him about the strange incident. “The only one who can turn Ghost-Bone back is Mrs. Turtle because she can create an antidote to turn him back into solid.” Mrs. Turtle had an antidote but it needed a lot of rare things. It needed four diamonds – which Annie had given, three crystal glasses – which Juliet had given, a pair of shades – which Michael had given, and a toy wheel which David had given from his broken toy.
Now they had to catch Ghost-Bone, which they did. So how did they do it?
David by mistake had been flung from the car and landed right in front of Ghost-Bone and he sprayed him with the antidote. They had then called the police and Detective Dog had come rushing. On the way back to the police station Detective Dog kept chewing on Ghost-Bone. Detective Dog sure was having a good time!
Aden Shaffiq (8 years)
Elizabeth Moir Junior School