Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Off to Space! Ever been interested in space? Ever wanted to get sucked up by a black hole or wanted to travel to the Moon or Mars? The ‘Space Chase’ reading challenge was about getting to know what happens in space and what is in space. (Of course there were lots of newly published storybooks as well!)
After six weeks of awesome reading, two teams had fun battling out in a quiz competition in the workshop. Guess what? There were three lifelines for a team; ask the audience, ask a friend and ask a clue. Team ‘Moon’ won the first round and team ‘Sun’ won the second round.
There are lots of interesting things about space. Have you heard about the Big Bang Theory on how the universe started? Do you know that the universe can end in so many ways? Boom! When the sun decides to die… Boom! When gravity breaks everything apart… Boom! When the planets’ inner parts cool too much.
Not to worry though. Why not? Grab a book about space at the British Council Library, settle down on a comfy bean bag, and start reading to find out!
Devni Tillekeratne (12 years)
Musaeus College